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Women's Circles in Glastonbury

Ancient prophecy says, that when the women gather - the world will heal. 

Are you feeling the call? The call of the wild, the call of your heart - To gather in Circle with like-minded women, to be a woman. 

Jessika creates safe and sacred spaces for us to gather and connect with our inner goddess. 

Exploring sisterhood, the Divine Feminine within each of us and guiding each woman in the circle through spirituality, embodied practices and meditation. 

Jessika has been facilitating women's circles for over 2 years and provides a healing and nourishing safe space for women to join together, to share, feel and love. 

You are welcome in the circle, Sister. 

Jessika currently guides Circle with the New Moon every month in Glastonbury. 


New Moon Women's Circle in Glastonbury

Join us in the Circle, every New Moon

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