New Moon Women's Circle in Glastonbury
When women gather, the world will heal
Service Description
Do you feel called to join a circle? There is great healing that can happen in being part of a women's circle. As we work together in ceremony, healing the sisterhood wound and awakening our hearts, we can then spread this love out to the world where it is so needed right now. Our moon circles are a safe space for us to come together in ceremony with the New Moon. Guiding each other through mindful practices, meditation and working with the moon's energy as we heal together. We will be spending each circle embodying a feminine archetype, meeting that sacred archetype within us and calling on her to guide us through manifesting rituals and sisterhood. Jessika uses guiding journalling to help us connect with ourselves and we spend time connecting we each other, sharing if we feel it would benefit us. There is no judgements in our circle, we are all on the same page and connected. Supporting each other through whatever may come up as we feel and release. You can be any version of yourself that shows up that day, without having to hold back or suppress your feminine energy. Vulnerable, strong or emotional, there is no need to apologise and all of this is completely welcome. We hold the circles in a gorgeous energetic space where you can feel the love of the women before us that met just like we do, they guide us and support us in our healing together in the circle.

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact me within 24 hours of your session.
Contact Details
Glastonbury, UK